原文:Translators can only try to soften the worst effects of erratic demand patterns by bringing their clients round to the idea of translation needs management by encouraging them to plan when their translation needs are likely to arise, in which language combinations, and what volumes will be required.
译文:译者可以通过以下方式减轻翻译需求变动带来的巨大影响。改变客户 对翻译需求管理的看法;鼓励客户在要求提高翻译需求前做出计划 (包括翻译量和语种要求)。
我们可以看到原文这一个简单句中共有48个词,句中定语、状语、定语从 句与状语从句错综复杂,句子结构非常严谨,是典型的英语重结构的句子。在英 译汉时,我们就应该在吃透句意的基础上,将句子简化为几个小短句,这样才符 合中国的语言习惯。先分析句子结构,本句是个简单句,主句为“Translators can only try to soften the worst effects of erratic demand patterns”,后面跟两个 “by” 引导的方式状语,方式状语中又有“when”引导的时间状语从句,结构十分复杂。 笔者将该复杂单句分为两句翻译,首先说明缓解需求变动的方法,接着陈述这两种方法,即:“译者可以通过以下方式减轻翻译需求变动带来的巨大影响”和“改 变客户对翻译需求管理的看法;鼓励客户在要求提高翻译需求前做出计划(包括 翻译量和语种要求)”,这样处理的效果就是弱化了英语句子语法符号明显的特点,更符合汉语的行文习惯,并且句子简洁明了,不容易使读者费解。
原文:As we have already pointed out, translation volume is a good indicator of import and export levels, and translators are often the first to be affected by an economic slowdown and the last to feel the benefits of a recovery, because translation is at best seen as an adjunct and not a core part of the products and the production process.
原文充分体现了英语形合的特点。原文共有61个字,但只是一个句子,下面我们就该句子结构进行分析。首先该句是个并列句,由“... and translators...”的 “and” 连接,中间连接部分 “translators are often the first to be affected by an economic slowdown and the last to feel the benefits of a recovery” 又是个并列句,最后还有个“because”引导的原因状语从句。见到这种长句,读者果断采用拆 译的方法,将原句拆分为三个独立完整的句子进行翻译,即:“As we have already pointed out, translation volume is a good indicator of import and export levels.(正如 我们所指出的,翻译任务量是反映进出口水平的一个重要标志。)”,“Translators are often the first to be affected by an economic slowdown and the last to feel the benefits of a recovery.(可以说,译者是最早受到经济衰退影响的人,同时也是最晚感受到经济复苏好处的人。)”和“Because translation is at best seen as an adjunct and not a core part of the products and the production process.(因为翻译被认为是产品和生产过程中的延伸部分,而不是核心部分。)”这样处理简单明了,符合汉语语言习惯,而且能够更好地达到传达信息的目的。