1. far reaching
2. open trade
3. service sector
以下是前英国首相戈登.布朗(Gordon Brown)2008年1月在北京中英商 业峰会上的讲话节选
We may be different in many ways, but China and Britain have much to offer each other. Britain had the first industrial revolution 200 years ago and brought one of the most far reaching changes in human history; today China is in the midst of a 21st century revolution, one of the fastest economic revolutions in human history.
Britain has the longest history of any nation in leadership for open trade and innovation; China is a new global leader in trade, rapidly developing new technologies that are being exported to the world. Britain is a world leader in services with strengthened advance manufacturing; China is a world leader in manufacturing, looking to develop its services sector.
本文是前英国首相在北京中英商业峰会上的讲话节选。和上一个例子(尼克松总统的致辞)类似,布朗也运用了对仗及强调的手法来突出说话的意图。再加上原文是演讲 语言,口译员更要注意保持原来的句型,在抓住通篇主旨,也就是中英两国各 自的优势及互助的必要性的基础上,依次传递主要信息。另外,从语义上讲, 一个句子内的各个部分作用不同,有时要依靠逻辑关系来判断信息的主次之分。例如:We may be different in many ways, but China and Britain have much to offer each other, but引导的分句显然是句子的中心所在,而前面的分句则表达次要的内容。【口译培训】