2.be associated with
5.raw materials
7.break down every barrier
8.remove every obstacle
9.stands in the way of
以下是前英国首相戈登.布朗(Gordon Brown)2008年5月在英国国家科技艺术基金会(National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts,简称 NESTA)的讲话节选:
Can I say what a great privilege it is to be here at the biggest ever innovation conference organized by NESTA ,at a conference which is sending a message to the whole of Britain about the importance we attach to innovation in the economy, and I think a conference that is sending a message around the world that we want to be the innovation nation, not just now, but in the future. And I want to thank Chris and Jonathan and everybody associated with NESTA, but most of all I want to thank you for your ideas, your creativity, your contribution to the whole of the British economy, and it is a real pleasure for me to be here today.
And I know that represented here are businesses, universities, research institutes, think-tanks, academia, and people who are just like me, simply enthusiasts.
I don’t want to make a political speech today. I am an enthusiast here, rather than simply a politician coming to speak to you today.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, why is innovation so important,and why is it so important now? It is so important, because we are now in a global economy where the countries and the companies that develop the skills and the creativity of the people will be the most successful in this global age. I believe the global economy will double over the next 20 years whatever the problems that we have at the moment. I believe there will be a billion more jobs, that are skilled jobs, throughout the world. But I believe that countries like ours will only succeed, not because we have the raw materials or the capitals but because we have the creative ideas. And that is why what you are doing is absolutely critical to the future of both the British economy and how we create prosperity for our country in the years to come.
Why I am so interested in this is I want us to break down every barrier that exists, to remove every obstacle, to get rid of anything that stands in the way of people with the creative talents, people with innovative ideas, businesses that are starting up that are innovative businesses, being the success stories of tomorrow. So I do pledge to you that whether it is in science policy or education policy, or it is the policy towards the creative industries, or it is simply our attitude to regulation and tax in the future, that we will do our best to break down all the barriers that exist. And it is not simply innovation in science, it is innovation right across the economy, right across the private sector, right across the public sector, and I am really excited by the fact that you have got investors and entrepreneurs and creative talents all talking together about how we can finance the next stage of innovation for the future. So I do come here as an enthusiast, and I do come here saying that we want to continue to support everything that you do and if the ideas that come out of this conference suggest we have got to do things differently,we are ready to listen,because nothing matters more for the future of our economy. You are the key to our economy, and our ability to innovate and invent and to form companies based on the creative talents of our people.
The most important thing:your creative talents, your ability to innovate, your ability to lead for the future with new ideas, for new businesses, new services, new goods. That is the key to the British future. I wanted to come here today and support what you are doings and I look forward to Britain leading the world as the innovative nation of the future, and it can do so because of you.
1) privilege:给予个人、某一'阶层或某一阶级的特殊好处、豁免、权利、利益或优惠 等等。It is a privilege to do something表示“非常荣幸能做某事”。该词还可以当动词用,比如privilege someone from arrest表示“某人免于被捕”。
2) think-tank:为集中研究和解决经济、科技、军事、国家政策等领域中的问题而设立的机构,常译作“智囊团”。
3) pledge:有“保证、发誓、抵押”等意思。make a pledge就相当于make a promise。someone pledge to do something就是“某人保证要去做某事”之意; pledge oneself to something有“某人发誓要致力于某事,或投身到某项事业当 中”之意。做“抵押”解时,通常用法是Put something in pledge,就是“以某物 作为抵押”之意。
4) private sector:顾名思义,就是一个国家国民经济中的私有成分。
5) public sector:与private sector相反,是国民经济中的公有成分。
能亲临这个国家科技艺术基金会举办的伟大的创新盛会,我感到无比荣幸。 这次盛会向全国宣告创新在经济中的重要性,也向世界表明我们不只现在还要在 未来争当一个创新的民族。我要感谢克里斯、乔纳森以及所有为国家科技艺术基金会工作的人,特别要感谢你们为国家经济所作的思考、创新和贡献。今天能来这 里,我真的非常开心。
女士们,先生们,为什么创新如此重要,为什么它在当今社会如此重要呢?因为我们正处于全球一体化经济环境中,在这个时代能够培养人民创造力的国家和 公司才是最成功的。不管我们现在经历什么困难,我相信今后20年内全球经济将会翻一番,全世界会有多于十亿的新增技术岗位。而像我们这样的国家要想获得 成功,只能凭借富有创造力的思想,而不是原材料或资本的积累。所以你们现在所 做的事情对于未来国家经济乃至整个国家的繁荣都至关重要。
我对此很感兴趣,是因为我希望大家在今后能够克服困难,为具有创新思维能力的人才和致力于创新的企业消除一切障碍,取得成功。所以我向大家呼吁,不管是在科学政策或教育政策上,还是在对创新行业政策的制定上,或者是对未来税务 及规定的态度上,我们都要竭尽全力去消除障碍。而且创新不仅仅存在于科学,它还贯穿于整个经济中,贯穿于私有部门和公共部门。我非常高兴能有这么多投资者、企业家和创新人才来为怎样进一步创新发展而筹集资金献计献策。而我确实 是作为一个社会热心人士来到这里,来表明我们会继续全力支持你们的工作。假如会议中有人提出我们要改变做事的方式,我们乐意听取,因为没有什么比我们国 家未来的经济更重要。你们是国家经济的关键,是培养创新能力的关键,也是依托 创新型人才建立企业的关键。
英国的未来,关键在于你们的创新才能,你们的改革能力,你们引领新思想、新企业,发展新服务、新产品的能力。今天我来这里支持你们的工作,我也热切地盼 望我们国家未来能成为全球领先的创新国。我相信,在你们不懈的努力下,这个目标一定会实现。
本文摘自前英国首相布郎在英国国家科技艺术基金会的讲话。作为一名政治家,布朗的发言处处显示出大气、沉稳的风格。他在讲话中发起的呼吁充 满着渲染力,而这种渲染力正是通过严谨的语言来表达的。口译员必须把握 这个特点,在措辞、句型选择等方面仔细考虑,才能达到既符合汉语语言习惯,又能准确传递信息的目的。这篇讲话最大的难点在于多处长句的使用,下面用两个例子来说明如何在口译过程中更好地处理长信息。
例1 : Can I say what a great privilege it is to be here at the biggest ever innovation conference organized by NESTA, at a conference which is sending a message to the whole of Britain about the importance we attach to innovation in the economy, and I think a conference that is sending a message around the world that we want to be the innovation nation, not just now, but in the future.
这是布朗发言的第一句话,由多个分句组成。类似于其他政治家,他首先是用 一句套话来表达当时的心情。但由于汉英语言习惯的差异,我们要把great privilege的翻译移到句子的后面部分。另外,随后的几个分句都是补充说明 这次盛会意义重大的原因,也就是说话者的中心意图所在,所以根据意群把原文拆分成两个句子,添加恰当的逻辑连词“向,也向”才能完成更清晰的表达。
例2 : Why I am so interested in this is I want us to break down every barrier that exists, to remove every obstacle, to get rid of anything that stands in the way of people with the creative talents, people with innovative ideas, businesses that are starting up that are innovative businesses,, being the success stories of tomorrow.
这是句包含多层分句的复杂长句,其中包括并列、伴随状语作修饰等语法特 征。口译员首先要抓住的还是中心意义,也就是他重视创新的原因和表达的期望。然后对get rid of anything that... tomorrow这个定语从句以及它的下 层从句 businesses that are starting up that are innovative businesses 进行拆分重整,这是保证信息得到准确传递的关键。